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A Word From Our President: Alexandre Navarro – Septembre 2022

September 2022

Summer is already over and we are heading quickly towards Thanksgiving and Christmas. 
We look forward to gathering our French community for the next coming events, especially le Beaujolais Nouveau. 

Our Board of Directors is changing! We are welcoming Amandine Lesage, who will be in charge of partnership development in order to help Charles in his day to day mission. After a brilliant career in different countries, she will bring her experience to our international context, improving our partnerships with different counties and cities. 

Also, to spearhead our development, we decided to elect two new Vice Presidents. The well known Christophe Couedelo will help for everything local in Tampa Bay. Wilfried Jorand will be closely helping for the international and corporate development we need to have down the road.

On the other hand, we are delighted to announce we will have the celebration of the 30 year anniversary of the jumelage Le Havre / Tampa in the last week of October. Edouard Philippe, Le Havre’s mayor and former prime minister, will come to Tampa and will visit different companies and institutions around the Port of Tampa and USF. 

Happy beginning of the snow bird season 😉